Swiss Brain League Research Grant
Every four years, the Swiss Brain League awards a neuroscientific research grant as start-up financing for junior scientist. Any type of brain research at a recognized scientific institution or clinical department in Switzerland is eligible for the grant. Junior academics who studied medicine, biology, psychology, computer science, or a related subject are eligible. In principle, the grant should cover a one-year doctoral student salary in the first year if no other financial support is available. The Swiss National Science Foundation rates apply to the salary, with an upper limit of CHF 60,000 including social security.
Borsa di studio per la ricerca 2025
Quest’anno il vincitore presenterà il suo progetto di ricerca in occasione della Settimana del cervello.
L’evento è gratuito e aperto al pubblico. Siete tutti cordialmente invitati!
Quando: lunedì 18 marzo 2025 alle 19:30.
Dove: aula magna del Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung, Ospedale universitario di Basilea, Hebelstrasse 20, 4031 Basilea.